Hello Dear Friends,
We are so glad you are joining us again this week! We loved hearing your hearts last week as you left comments and joined the conversation. If you missed last week’s introduction to our Women at War online book study we would still love to have you join right in and sign up! We are studying chapter 1 this week. If you haven’t already, go read the chapter (if you need the book you can find it at Amazon, iBooks, or Barnes & Noble) and come back and let’s dive in:
I entitled this first chapter It’s a War because for so long I did not know I was in a fight. I was asleep to the reality of the battle raging around me for my identity. I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
The battle for my health sort of ripped the veil from my eyes. As I began to wage war for my life, I saw so many parallels to the battle for our femininity. As I considered the possibility of my death, it became urgent that I communicate to my children and to the women I could reach, the power of love. As I shared what I was learning, it became clear that women instinctively knew that they were at odds with one another, but no one was talking about it.
I want us to talk about it.
Let’s pray that each of are fully awakened to the truth and to the power of love to overcome every hateful blow from our enemy.
“Women have been fighting to be who they are for centuries, especially when they find themselves in situations and circumstances that leave them feeling stripped of their femininity.”
I have never had to suffer through the news or ravages of a disease such as cancer. But I could relate to Jan’s having had received devastating news that not only threatened her life but was painful to who she was as a female. For me it was having a placenta that was not functioning properly and resulted in the premature birth of my son at 25 weeks. He lived 6 short hours before he died. One of the ways I was defined as a woman – as mother – was threatened, questioned, even if only by me.
I wonder if you saw yourself at all in Jan’s story as I did? Have you walked through painful circumstances that attempted to define your womanhood for you?
I love that Jan shared her story of Jesus meeting with her in her desperate and weak moments, even when she was angry. His words to her are words that breathe life into us all when we hear them – “I AM.” He is for us, with us, our provider, healer, friend…
One of my absolute favorite quotes from Women at War is this one:
Does this quote excite you like it does me? I am a woman, designed that way by the Creator. It comes with certain given characteristics, qualities and even limitations but I am woman in spite of my circumstances.
“I now know that who I am is only superficially related to my physical appearance.”
Today let’s answer these questions together from the end of chapter 1. We want to hear from you! Your thoughts and insights are valuable to our conversation!
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
Question 2: How did you respond to those circumstances? How did you respond to God in those circumstances?
I also want to invite you to go deeper and spend time asking God the questions at the very end of Chapter 1. Take the time to let him speak to you and reveal truth to your heart. You will be blessed by that time.
Next week we will meet at over at Arabah Joy to discuss chapter 2 (we’ll be sure to email you and remind you where to go if you signed up).
I’m a bit late in posting my responses to chapter 1. Finals, a month end close, and a 30th birthday celebration took way more energy than I had. No excuse though. I’m spending today catching up on responses, and spending some one of one time with God.
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
Approximately a year ago, my husband at the time informed me via text message that he wanted a divorce. Part of me saw it coming, while the other part of me didn’t really believe it would happen. After making very quick arrangements to move out and find a new place to stay, with of course very little notice, I discovered that one of the real reasons for our divorce was that he had moved on. As a woman, I would never even consider dating, discussing a relationship, and most certainly not engaging in one with a man I knew was married. The other woman didn’t necessarily feel the same way. On one of the evenings that I went to our house to gather some of my clothes, I found that she had already moved some of her stuff in. For me – I think that’s when I really begin to realize that as women, there was a major war going on.
Question 2: How did you respond to those circumstances? How did you respond to God in those circumstances?
I didn’t have a solid relationship with God at that point in my life, but I think that it was the turning point that brought me back to Him, and led me to find Gateway Church. There was a significant dark period in my life at the time. My ex husband and I had a dog together, who is basically like my child. Personality wise, she’s very much like me, just with fur and four legs. We had to go to court to let the courts decide who got to keep her, because even though he originally agreed she’d go with me, later on, he changed his mind. I remember praying for the first time in a long time the evening before we went to court. I made a promise to God that I would find my way back to church and seek a real relationship with Him, if he’d just give me the grace and courage to face my ex in court, and allow me to keep my dog. The next morning, our attorneys met with the judge without us. Standing next to my mom, my attorney came into the hallway and said that the judge was inclined to give Chloe (my dog) to him based on his lies, but before she made a final decision, the judge wanted to talk to us both. Standing outside the court room, I started crying, but in the midst of my tears, I spoke to God one more time. This time, I asked him again to just watch over me and to do whatever was in his will for me. I had the most incredible peace come over me. It was indescribable, and something I had never felt before. With renewed courage, and with God beside me, I went into the court room, explained my side, and was awarded Chloe.
I’ am actually currently in a season of war right now and it happens to be with my mom. Things have been really tough for her and for me emotionally. She just recently found out that her mom has stage 4 lung cancer and my mom is dealing with her own health problems. It all began after I started to work with my mom at the end of last year (she owned her own business) I only worked for her for about 2 months. Once I got a new job I had bought her flowers, a card and hold a heart felt conversation with her about how much I appreciated her for giving me a job until I found a new one. I thought everything was fine but for the last month or so she has been saying I am ungrateful for what she has done for me and I never thanked her and there has been other little incidents that have happened recently that has just been building these negative thoughts she has for me. The last thing I want is for my mom to think that I am ungrateful. We have always had such a close relationship, so for this war to be going on has been really tough on me and is stressing me out. Yesterday was a pretty rough day and decided to go on a bike ride down to a park near my apartment and spend sometime in the word, do my daily devotion and just reach out to God. Of course being the amazing God He is, my devotion was about not running from my problems and thanking Him for them then ask Him how to handle the situation. When I began to pray I could just feel the weight being lifted off my shoulder. I surrendered to God the situation and told Him I am going to seek guidance in Him and I know that He will show me the way. I know the enemy is trying to attack my relationship with my mom but I know that God is stronger than the enemy and even though we are going through this now our relationship will be restored.
Playing catch up again so I can join in on the conversation of Chapter 2 tomorrow :)
The hardest battle of my life began about a year and a half ago. After praying for a baby for 2 years and God continually telling me to be patient, my husband and I were finally given a peace about starting a family. We had no problem getting pregnant … in fact we started trying beginning of November and the very beginning of December I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. I wept tears of joy and instantly began imagining the next 9 months and my future child. A week later I began to get nauseous and realized I was starting to get “morning sickness.” A few days later I woke up feeling like I had the flu and the vomiting started. By 7 weeks pregnant I could not get out of bed and was throwing up every 15 minutes around the clock. Not long after I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a complication which affects only 1-2% of pregnant women world wide. Basically your body does not know how to handle pregnancy and produces WAY too many hormones, leaving you with such severe morning sickness that it can be dangerous. At my lowest point I became desperate. My dr. had tried putting me on about 5 different medications created for severe nausea … all of which are created for chemo patients. Even with all medications in my body, I was still throwing up multiple times an hour and couldn’t even walk without getting motion sick. The last hope was receiving a pump that would provide a continual flow of medicine in my stomach 24/7. I felt like this was my answer, but my insurance did not. And with the pump costing over $20,000 a month, there was no way we would be able to afford it. I crumbled in that moment. I literally began screaming to God to help me and even asked my husband and mom to take me to get an abortion just so I could have some relief. I had entered a strong battle and I had allowed Satan to put his intense grasp on my life.
Thankfully I wasn’t fighting alone. My husband and mom refused to let me give up. Instead they began calling out for help, asking anyone and everyone to pray. My mom drove me to the hospital and I spent several hours getting liter after liter of fluids, vitamins and minerals pumped back into my body. Since my husband still had to work I went home to my parents house and my amazing parents and husband started caring for me around the clock. They prepared basic foods for me, made sure I was drinking, held my hair back for me when I was sick and even tucked me into bed at night. That’s when the miracles started taking place. Not long after I moved into my parents we received a call saying my insurance (who up to this point were refusing to provide ANY maternity care for me) would cover a zofran medicine pump 100%. The next day I had a nurse in my living room teaching me everything from how to insert the needle and a small tube into my stomach, how to change my medication and what foods I needed to be eating. I took many more trips to the emergency room for fluids and even spent close to a week in the hospital, where the Gateway healing team prayed over me. Soon after we received news that my insurance would cover not only my maternity care, but also my delivery. About a week later we received a check from a family in the church who had no idea what we were going through. The amount covered our deductible costs up until that point. God continued to provide miracle after miracle. By 20 weeks I was off of the pump and I was able to spend my entire third trimester enjoying a normal pregnancy and off of most of my medications. For many women Hyperemesis lasts until the minute their child is born, but through God’s healing hand I was healed much sooner. And today I have the most beautiful and perfect 9 month old baby girl :) She makes my life complete and I soak up each and every minute with her!
Because I had Hyperemesis with my first pregnancy, my chance of having it again with future pregnancies is about 50/50. Most women who experience the complication and sickness experience post traumatic stress that prevents them from having future children or waiting many years before they attempt to expand their family. I personally have struggled with this stress. But thanks to God’s grace He is teaching me freedom, and although I still occasionally battle with my fears I am choosing to believe that God is in control and He will prevent me from experiencing Hyperemesis again. Looking back I can now say I am grateful for my battle. Not only has it made me stronger, but it has revealed a passion in me to serve other women who have difficult pregnancies.
Better late than never! So even as I read chapter 1 I could feel in me spirit what The Lord was telling me that my battle was and has been for years my weight. I mean what women hasn’t struggled with that?! But after losing 50 lbs on weight watchers last year I still struggle with loosing an additional 25 to which The Lord asked is it for health reasons or vanity? You see I have allowed it to define me, how I feel on a day to day basis depends on if I loose, gain or stay the same on the scale. Beeing real honest I have even allowed it to dictate how interact with women, including my friends. So I prayed Sunday night that HE give me the strength to see me as He sees me and love me as He loves me. Monday morning after my shower I went to weight myself as I do everyday and the glass scale BROKE, lol! Got the message lord loud and clear! Last night at a life gourp social again I felt the enemy creep up as I start sizing up the women in my room by there size and then begin to compare myself :( But the difference last night from all the other nights was recognizing what I was doing and being able to stop and just enjoy the godly women fellowship :)
Thanks! This is a good word for any woman. Just Stop It!!! and enjoy the fellowship with the other godly women. Bravo, Demecia!
Wow…tons of spiritual warfare going on in my young adult life but to narrow down to one particular moment, I will share one of my favorites when Jesus met me and carried me through. “Lord, I pray that everything I share with my Woman at War sisters bring Glory to You in Jesus name…AMEN”
Anyone that knows me, I go around the block to explain myself. In advance, I apologize if this entry goes on forever but this is really good….so please stay with me (wink)
On Sunday mornings, my favorite part is singing during worship service. I love it, love it…singing brings me joy. Ask my husband, I am not the best singer but I love to sing (lol) I don’t know about you but Jesus and I share a song together. It’s “Thank you, Lord” by Hillsong Typing the title of this song just brings a huge smile to my face, hearing the song from YouTube as I type this entry to you brings tears of joy to my heart.
In my early 30’s, I remember wanting to have a child. I do not hate many nouns (e.g., persons, places, or things) but I hated having my period during this time trying to have a baby. After many months of not being able to conceive, I felt a bitter transformation come over me and with defeat I wrote myself off by saying negatively “I guess having a child is not in the cards for me.” I had ugly feelings toward God, toward my husband, toward strangers at the grocery store and started judging or comparing that I could be a better parent than those people. For example, I would hear from the news about a parent that locked up their abused child in the closet for months or a child was beat to death because he/she would not potty train obediently. OMGoodness, my heart would painfully hurt for these children. I remember crying out to God “LORD, I would never harm my babies like that or how can you bless those people with a baby then allow them to torture a life that is so precious.”
On a weekday, I attended a woman’s conference with coworkers. A man walked in the room takes a seat at one of the tables upfront. He was wearing a long pony-tail, sharp dressed suit and nice looking shoes. Thinking to myself while judging him, “who does he think he is? he is nicely dressed but with that pony tail…what is he trying to prove?” A woman walks up to the podium discusses how she is a doctor, accidently pricked by a needle that was infected by an HIV patient and awaiting her death. The second woman walks up to the podium to discuss how she has cancer, about to go through chemo therapy in hopes to live. By this point, my heart is in grief; I’m fighting back the tears and feeling enormous pain for both of these women. Then, the pony tail man walks up to the podium. He says “Men like to fix things. I am good at fixing things. My wife has cancer and I cannot fix her. Some of you may be wondering why I wear this long pony tail (I’m sinking in my chair of judgment). While my wife goes through chemo therapy, she is told that she will lose her hair. I cannot fix the loss of her hair but I can grow my hair to make her a wig.” That night in the car driving home, I cried out to God for forgiveness and felt a huge conviction of judgment burned out of my heart and soul.
For a short time, I became pregnant. I was 6 weeks pregnant and we were SO excited. My next check up, no heart beat. Another month passes, the doctor recommended a DNC. My initial reaction was sadness as I see the walls crumble but as I stood with God in that empty room all I could do is sing “Thank you, Lord” by Hillsong.
To make this long story short and to end this entry on a happy note, fast forward 10 years. By this time, I have been saved (June 5, 1995) and my husband graduated from Dallas Baptist University in 1997. This was a big deal, my husband is the first in his family to attend and graduate from college. During the graduation ceremony, everyone has a lighted candle and the piano begins to play. GUESS WHAT SONG? Yes ma’am, mine and Jesus’ song “Thank you, Lord.” Ladies, I promise at that very moment, I felt huge hugs of comfort and a whisper of promise that I will be pregnant soon. As you already know, we have been blessed with two healthy beautiful children and I thank God every single day…my cup runneth over.
Such a beautiful story Annette! Thank you for sharing it with us and encouraging us by sharing about God’s faithfulness to you.
Blessings, Kristin
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
When I was 18, I had just gotten married and I woke up totally blind. Shortly thereafter the doctor informed me I was blind. Then it hit me I had not read the bible from cover to cover. I was devastated. I couldn’t be blind. What would I tell Jesus? I had plenty of time but I never got around to it.
With my health deteriorating, I had no choice but to read it.
Question 2: How did you respond to those circumstances? How did you respond to God in those circumstances?
I started praying immediately. I had to get some sight back to read the bible. I also had to learn braille. There would be no excuses.
Wow Sherri, Your story leaves me wanting to know more. What a thing to overcome! Thank you for joining in and sharing. I look forward to getting to know you more as we go through the study. Blessings, Kristin
I love hearing all the stories and God’s faithfulness and goodness in each one of them. They are so encouraging…keep them coming.
1. The season of my life when I recognized an attack on who I am as a woman was when my first husband divorced me. He was my high school sweetheart, began and dating relationship with him when I was 16. This is such a pivotal time in a young girl’s life and seeking value and identity. I was one that allowed this relationship to define me. Fast-forward 13 years I stand before a man that tells me he doesn’t love me and doesn’t know if he ever did. Those words pierced me and for the first time in my life I realized I didn’t know who I was and the journey with the Lord began.
2. I responded with brokenness and repentence for not knowing God and believing in Him. I grew up in the church and I knew His word, but I didn’t take time to KNOW HIM and trust His plan for me and my life, to trust His best for me. I thought my way was better. Through the process of loosing my husband, I began to know the One Husband that would never let me down. Getting to know Him allowed me to know myself for the first time and to love me. I am remarried to a wonderful Godly man today and those old wounds of being a rejected still try to creep up when I feel hurt or disappointment. I take them to the Lord and let him tell me the Truth.
Hi Amy,
I love all of these stories too. Each one is so different and yet such a beautiful testimony to God’s faithfulness. Thank you for sharing how God brought you to a place of knowing Him and knowing yourself. Love that!
Blessings, Kristin
Hi Ladies! I know I’m a day behind for the response, but I wanted to share anyway : )
Question 1: Honestly, there are many of you who have described exactly what I experienced to be a season when I realized a war was going on. Fortunately, I have never faced a physical sickness, but there have been plenty of occasions that have caused “soul sickness.” Like many of you, I have known about the war since I was very young – I believe mainly because I am woman! Ha. I know this was shared before, but the truth is that we all face these same battles; I love how we can come together and be empowered through each other’s stories of overcoming with our King leading us. I also think it is important to realize that our enemy is never new; he has been using the same tricks since the beginning of time. I know I walk away feeling more and more confident in the One who is my Life Giver!
Question 2: Honestly, when I was younger, I didn’t know how to respond properly, nor was I taught. My response was to harden my heart and become “stronger” and “happier” through my independence. I know know that hardening ourselves to people also hardens our hearts toward God. Thankfully, I have survived through the pain that has come as a result of letting my Father finally take a look at many wounds that were buried ever so deep. However, I can tell you; that was all our good and faithful Father. That was something I tried and tried to do on my own for many years with no sustained success. Now it has brought me closer to Him and allowed me to know that I can trust what He says. : )
I love your wording…I can easily hear my Father encouraging me to “come here and let Me take a look at it”, just like a daddy would want to see my scrapes and splinters. Thanks, dear one.
Love your post Whitney. I can relate, been there done that on the “safe” path of wanting to harden my heart. I’m SO happy to read you survived by taking it to the Cross so that God can transform your heart….thank you for sharing :-)
Hi Whitney, So glad you shared your story! Blessings, Kristin
When I was about 9 years old, I found out that my aunt and uncle were getting a divorce. Since their oldest child was the same age as me, I guess I felt this even more deeply. That night was the first time (of many) when I felt a spiritual darkness blanketing me in my room just as I tried to go to sleep. My heart would start racing…sometimes I could see bizarre shadows and hear voices I now know to be demonic just trying to attack me.
I remember my Precious Moments Bible I had back then and how Psalm 23 was underlined completely…my absolute favorite passage! Over time, I memorized this amazing psalm and in those dark moments at night, I’d lay in bed speaking the words out loud over and over and over and over until I finally fell asleep.
I love how God has opened my spiritual eyes to see past the physical so many times throughout my life. It’s amazing how powerful scripture is…how powerful just speaking the name “Jesus” is when I can’t get any other words out for the fear that is trying to attack me. God’s Word truly is the Sword of the Spirit!
You know I love you and your Sword wielding ways! You are a force to be reckoned with!
Courtney…amen <3
I am so thankful that you shared this story as God has been opening my spiritual eyes wider and wider these past few months. I’m encouraged by your words, and, girl, we serve such a mighty God that even His name sends the enemy running. Wow!
I grew up with the battle all to real, it was an unspoken rule in our family. It wasnt safe to talk to each other and it wasn’t til i was an adult that I understood that those around me are not waiting to push me to what they were ok with. My mother had long bats with depression and both my sister we now know were sufferin from syco bipolar. We never knew when or who was safe. Because of the things i saw and believed i battled to simply understand I am ok in being a women. I sat for long time in reflection of these questions and listening to Gods voice I understand that, I may be still in a battle, but it is ok to rest in what He made me. In relationships where God showed me what being a womens is i learned I could be kind, honest, and trustworth. I actually enjy being girlynow and this journey God has me on is going to con. To be great.
Hi Jennifer,
So glad that you have taken the time to hear God and listen for how He defines you. You also have a powerful testimony of overcoming lies and walking in the truth. Isn’t being girly fun?!
Thank you for sharing your transforming story!
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
There have been so many moments it is difficult to separate them from one another. One of the things that seems to be a common denominator in each of these seasons in my life is that my strengths were being defined as a weakness and I was being treated as such. My sister recently shared with me about how when we were young and I was getting into trouble, yet again…that she would think to herself, “Jessica, just shut up so it will stop” she followed that statement explaining to me that she felt like I got the most attention in the home because I would not let things slide, I spoke up to what seemed wrong. Small and frail, I was at war with the beast that was tearing my family apart. Growing up, there was so much confusion in what was “right” to stand for. As I continued through life and this stronghold of expectations and disappoints continued to cycle I found myself being hurt repeatedly over and over again. Through adolesant, young adult, becoming a wife and then on into becoming a mother. The “people-pleaser” mentality that I answered to every moment of every day had broke and even she could take no more. I didn’t even know who I was anymore, I sifted through all the tattered pieces of who she had told me I was over the years and could not find one shimmer of a glimpse of who I truly was and am today.
Question 2: How did you respond to those circumstances? How did you respond to God in those circumstances?
It was in the beginning of 2011 when my world came crashing down. I challenged the Lord to prove himself to me. How could I have possibly been in denial of who He was and all He had done in my life? Betrayal, hurt, abandonment, abuse, feeling unlovable, left, alone…these are just a few of the reasons. During this time I was yelling at God, pounding His chest with questions of why? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why had He forgotten me but remembered so many others? I thought this was the ugliest moment of my life, when the Lord shows it to me now I can see that it was the first time in a long time that I had taken off the cloak of shame, hurt, guilt, etc. and surrendered it to Him. This was the first time that I had acknowledged all He had done for me on the cross. This was the beginning of a beautiful journey with my King.
So in talking with the Lord about the last few questions at the end of chapter one, this is the TRUTH He gave me today, I just wanted to share it. :)
I am an imperfect jewel cut perfectly from the heart of my King and purposed for such a time as this.
Oh wow Jessica, That is so beautiful! Thank you so much for taking time to share your story. I know it will be a blessing to others as it has been to me.
I loved every bit of every thing HE spoke to my heart today as I did the study and got to press my nose to the glass to peer a little further into my past and get even more healing in my heart. I am so loving the process and this book too!
My husband and I married 18 years ago, he with two girls (12 and 8), and me with a boy (3), then we immediately had another son together. A very busy and chaotic time in our lives. Blending a family is hard enough, but we continually had problems with my youngest stepdaughter. To make a long story short, we dealt with continual problems for YEARS going through many counselors, therapists and such. In the midst of the turmoil, I no longer felt safe for me and my boys in my own home, and we decided to divorce. Six months later, and two weeks shy of our divorce being final, I heard The Lord tell me, “Kristi, you can’t keep your boys safe, only I can. You need to go back.” After much prayer, I went back, and started realizing I was fighting an enemy. An enemy who was attacking me, my family, and namely my stepdaughter. This battle lasted years. I went back, and a few months later, she threatened suicide, was hospitalized and diagnosed as bipolar. And then, in just a few weeks, she left home. Many times we didn’t even know where she was, and my husband was a wreck, but with counseling for us, we got through it. Today, she is 26 and is managing her life much better than I ever imagined she would. I think I grew up in such a controlled environment, it was hard for me to even fathom these types of things existed. This is a war, and its real, but I know The Lord who delivered me, my family, and my marriage is bigger than any attack the enemy wages. He was and is faithful.
You have such a powerful testimony Kristi. I love that God spoke and you obeyed even though it wasn’t an easy thing to do. I know God blesses that kind of obedience richly. Thank you for sharing your story! Blessings, Kristin
Hi Kristi,
Your story moves me because of your endurance and strength. I can tell that you suffered along the way, but you didn’t give up. That daughter is probably alive because of your prayers. The reality of the war is obvious, but so is the truth of His faithfulness.
I loved to hear your story! I understand the struggles of step-families and the pain in our kids hearts sometimes doesn’t make sense. Then, the enemy wants to use their pain to attack us as a woman to distract us from being the catalyst of change and healing through our time of pressing in through prayer and warring for our families. I am so happy to hear you listened and obeyed the Shepherd’s voice!
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
Last spring I realized for sure I was in a war. An ambush. Sniper fire in the form of a breast cancer diagnosis. My husband and I serve in a front-line ministry at Gateway Church known as Marriage Challenge. On Sundays, we prayerfully match hurting couples with seasoned marriage veterans. Wounded marriages receive hope and take new directions. With my news, we understood we were taking on enemy fire. Fear tried to move in. I could scarcely think. Cancer pamphets and books seemed to multiply overnight on any available surface in our home. I immediately enlisted some warrior girlfriends…one armed me with scriptures for index cards. One listened and kept in close contact as the diagnosis unfolded and the tears flowed. One gave me a little party and the guests of my choosing brought encouragements. One gave me a CD series to care for my heart and soul while my body healed. Fear left the building. The lumpectomy for Stage 1 BC was completely succesful. The radiation treatment gave me an opportunity to exercise my sanctified and cinematic imagination, as, daily Jesus cleansed my body with shouts of “Get outta My Temple”. It was a grand, faith-building experience. Exhausting physically, but grand.
Nancy, I have dear friends who have been so blessed by the Marriage Challenge. It is so nice to “meet” a woman behind such a life-giving ministry. I am in awe of your testimony of healing and just so thankful! Praising God for His healing in you. Thank you for joining with us and encouraging us in this study!
Blessings, Kristin
Thank you Kristin for this encouraging reply. As one of the first faces of MC, we seldom know what has transpired with the couples who come for ministry. We KNOW our leader couples are awesome, but love hearing the stories of how God uses them. And how He is healing hurting marriages. This is great. happy Tuesday, girl.
Hi friend,
I know this battle and I can appreciate your language. Sniper-attack. I am so grateful that you responded proactively and engaged = head to head – the thing that was coming against you. I also love that you drew in your sisters. I’m praying for you to be cancer-free all the days of your life and for your testimony to help many others overcome and survive all kinds of battles.
Thank you so much! I am almost finished with the book, as I purchased it before PINK Impact. So I have slowed down and am re-reading the assigned chapter. Nancy
1. 6th grade, that time in life when everything begins to go crazy and every relationship is no longer secure, it was then when I felt the battle wounds of the war beginning to pierce my heart. My mom, sister, friends, acquaintances of the female gender all seemed to suddenly be my enemies and no longer on my side. I was married with two daughters when our pastor came to me and asked me to oversee the women’s ministry, it was at that time I knew my issues with women had to be challenged and my own identity needed to be restored.
2. Those next few years were probably the hardest years of my life. I wanted to quit, give up and check out on everything that had to do with being a woman. The funny thing was God wouldn’t let me quit and because I loved Him, I wasn’t willing to quit either. So, I processed, I prayed, I petitioned, I submitted and I surrendered my heart to His and allowed Him to redefine who I am, I allowed His Spirit to invade my understanding and allow forgiveness to replace blame and love to make way for honor. It transformed my relationships and gave me a heart to see women whole, healed and set free to live out and love the people in their life, especially their husband and children.
I know just from beginning this study that there is still a greater capacity for me to love and equip women in their divine roles as women.
Hi Tomi,
I love that you allowed God to do the work in you to heal and transform your thinking. Isn’t that what we all need to be willing to do? I am learning to check my heart and make sure it is soft and pliable and that I allow the work God wants to do. Thank you for sharing your example of that for us. It is beautiful to me that God is creating an even greater capacity in you to love women. That is such a hope-filled statement!
I too began to feel those wounds in the 6th Grade. I cannot improve on your statement about relationships and the direction things went during that time. Over recent years, I have gone back to specific memories and asked Jesus where He was at each event. Asking Him what He would say to me or how He felt about those circumstances brings such comfort and empathy. this has beena HUGE healing help to me. So glad you are in this study.
Nancy Witt
Hi friend,
Many of us suffer some significant woman wounds in our early years – especially 12-18. It seems our season of transition is filled with opportunities to be injured. I’d love to make our younger girls aware of this attack and somehow equip them to divert every fiery dart that is meant to make them feel less than what they are.
I feel like there have been many times when I felt the battle. One time in my life was when I was facing infertility and I desperately wanted a child.
In these times of my life where I faced battles I often responded to God in anger. I couldn’t understand why He seemed to make me go through tough times so often. I wondered why things never came easily for me. What I have discovered is that God is okay with me coming to him in anger. He is big enough to handle it. Through his grace, love and goodness he lets me vent and then he wraps his arms around me and gives me peace to know that it will be alright. I have realized that I live in a fallen world and I will have trouble but I know I can face whatever may come with Him!
Such a beautiful revelation Amy! It reminds me of David in the psalms and all of the ways he poured his heart out to God in many different situations and with a full range of emotions.
Excited to have you with us on this study!
Praying for you today,
Hi Amy,
I can totally relate. God can handle all of our emotions – every spectrum. I think He’s a safe harbor and being honest about the emotions I am experiencing has allowed me to move through them to a place of peace.
It is when we do not deal with our emotions, admit the anger to God when trouble comes. We leave the door wide open for the enemy to lie, deceive, and destroy us. God wants our honesty and He will do the rest. Thanks for sharing this point and reminding us to share our emotions with the One who gave them to us!
Question 1: Describe a moment or a season when you began to realize there was a war going on. What was happening in your life?
For me it was when God opened my eyes to my passion and purpose in helping women see themselves as who they are in Christ and not how they world see them.
Question 2: How did you respond to those circumstances? How did you respond to God in those circumstances?
I just allowed myself to be obedient to God’s Calling. To me, it was an odd calling because I did not have good relationships with women in the past because of jealousy, envy, and past hurts from school age interactions between girls.
Hi Nellie,
I can very much relate with you and your past relationships. I am thrilled that God takes our ashes and creates beautiful things out of them. That is good news to my soul and I love that you are a testimony to that very thing.
Do you use your blog as a way to teach women about how God sees them? I’m excited to read what you share. Heading over there now…
So glad you let God heal your own heart so that you could lead others to places of restoration. The enemy hates it – but Jesus loves it. Congratulations!