Hi Friends,
Welcome to Week 1 and the Introduction of A Wife’s Secret to Happiness Book Blog Tour! I am thrilled that you are joining us on this journey over the next 12 weeks! We are going to learn the secret to happiness together and it’s going to be so much fun.
Jen Weaver wrote this incredible book we are going to be reading and discussing together. If you don’t know her already I cannot wait to introduce you. I met Jen a couple years ago and liked her immediately. We’ve worked together now in several capacities and ya’ll (forgive my Texan accent), she’s truly amazing. She is lovely and her book is so rich with truth. When I read it I found myself laughing out loud and nodding my head in agreement. Jen shares deep truth in the most fun way. There’s so much for us to dig into and discover here over the next several weeks together. You and your marriage will be truly blessed (and your husband will be thrilled!).
Don’t worry! There’s still time to grab the book and join us if you don’t already have it. You have a whole week until we start with Chapter 1. You can grab the book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook.com, and Books-A-Million.
Ok, so here’s how it’s going to work: Each week we are going to head to a different bloggers site to read her thoughts on the chapter of the week (don’t worry, we’ll let you know where to go each week). We can share thoughts in the comments and Jen will be available to answer questions you may have. We also have a Facebook page for discussion. We’d love for you to join us there. Join the email list too so that we can keep you updated on all things Book Tour related.
Kristin Lemus | Jan Greenwood | Chell Bee |Kelly Balarie
Julie Sibert | Kela Nellums | Marquis | Julia Dale
Francie Winslow | Crystal Stine | Shauna Shanks
Now for a few words from Jen Weaver to kick us off:
“Do you ever feel like married life isn’t what you thought it’d be?”
Um, yes.
I love when I get asked this question because the resulting conversations unearth so much about how God created us as women. I’ve yet to meet the wife whose marital aspirations max out at “tolerable” or “acceptable.”
“I want a marriage that turns out fairly okay.”
Said no wife ever.
Friends, we’re crafted for intimacy, security, and strength. And we know it. We want marriages we can love in the small moments as well as in the grand gestures. Genuine partnership. The safety of knowing our husbands and being known fully—rumpled bed-head and ugly cry included—and loved even more because of it.
But things get in the way. And I mean all the “things” you can think of. Schedules. Work. Sickness. Stress. Worry. Strife. School. Chores. Habits. Baggage. Even blessings like children and exciting life events can pile so high that you can’t see your spouse through all the clutter.
“Things” sneak in, too. Unassuming at first. They expanded like yeast into every crack and crevice of our daily lives until we don’t have space, thought, or energy enough for much else. And I’m not saying married life is bad, necessarily. It could be good. Or at least fine. Or busy but fine. But could it be just a little bit better? Could your marital experience offer an ounce more of what you need, feel more unified, carry just a cup or a gallon more of happiness?
I’m so excited to share this Blog Book tour with you because the pages of A Wife’s Secret to Happiness grew out of these places. Places of questions and uncertainty. Places of study and prayer as I ask God for His “bit more” in areas of my life and marriage. And He delivers. More times than I can count, the Lord comes through BIG on my behalf.
I love that through these next few weeks we’ll get to spend time together. Through amazing blog posts and our Facebook group, we’ll talk through the ways He’s done mighty works in so many marriages, and the way He wants to show off in yours. I’m excited to share and I hope you will too, from our successes, failures, beautiful moments, and messy seasons.
“Do you ever feel like married life isn’t what you thought it’d be?”
Yes. I’ve found out it can be much better.
Come join our little community as we learn together and uncover A Wife’s Secret to Happiness.
Love, Jen
Ready to dive in? Grab your book and meet us back here next Monday! We’ll start off by hearing what Kelly Ballarie has to share about chapter 1. Tell us in the comments what you are most looking forward to about this book tour and don’t forget to ask a friend to join us too.
*Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links
This is such a necessary and insightful book, written and anointed for such a season as this.
Thanks Julie! So grateful you’re joining us for the tour!
For longer than I’d care to admit, I feel like we’ve been in management mode. Sometimes it feels like my husband and I haven’t connected in such a long time. I’m looking forward to letting God work in my heart to improve our marriage!
Love your perspective in this Allison! God is SO ready to get your marriage out of management mode. Exciting times are ahead!
Jen Weaver recently posted..He is Risen. How could I forget?
Honestly, I am using this book as a way to get in my own personal self-care. Reading that at first, some might say… well that’s selfish. But truly… it’s not. By taking care of me and giving myself the experience and time to read this, interact and be a part, it will only flow over into my home, my family and my relationship. All while leaning into what God has to say for us about our personal relationship as well. I think that is a really exciting thing to be a part of :)
Hi Jamie, Yes! It’s so true that your self-care will overflow to those you serve. Love that! So glad you are joining us. Blessings, Kristin
Ohhh so good! I struggle making self-care a priority at times too, but you’re right, it overflows into everything else. Thanks for joining us Jamie!
Jen Weaver recently posted..He is Risen. How could I forget?
I’m excited to learn more on other wive’s perspectives and approaches to their marriage. I’m a newbie married woman and am always seeking out what works well for other couples. I feel God chose my hubby for me because he balances me so well. It’s been SO HARD though. And not in a bad way. I’m looking forward to learning more from the book and more from other women. Excited!
Welcome Carolina! So glad you are joining us. Marriage is hard, isn’t it? It’s so rewarding though too when we do the hard word and press through. Praying you are blessed and encouraged as we dive into Jen’s book together. Blessings, Kristin
Hi Carolina! I’m so excited you’re participating in the tour. And yes, marriage is hard, and worth it!
Jen Weaver recently posted..He is Risen. How could I forget?