This has been a long time coming. This space has been in my heart for a while and it’s finally time to unveil it.
So what is The Beautiful Deep, you may ask? You can read all “about” it here but in a nutshell it is the place I find myself in and never want to leave.
Ephesians 3:18 says
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
The Beautiful Deep is a space where I desire to dive into what it means to understand this love, to live in it, and allow it to transform us. It is then that we will be able to become all that we were intended to be.
As a wife and a mommy to 7 kids (with one in heaven) I am discovering what a life steeped in love can be and it is simply beautiful. I’d love to have you join me for the journey.
If you haven’t yet you can subscribe to get The Beautiful Deep sent to your email inbox when there is a new post. I’d also love to have you follow me on Twitter and come hang out with me on Facebook.
Welcome to The Beautiful Deep! I look forward to the days ahead!
Hey Kristin!
I love this! As God continues to work in us from the inside out we’re transformed! Your changes and updates are so fitting sister! Thanks for all that you do! ~ Blessings from Maine, Amy
Thank you Amy! And thank you for all of your encouragement over time. You are a blessing! Kristin
Beautiful, beautiful site!! It blesses me to really “see” the vision you share with HIM instead of only hearing about it. Thrilled for you, Kristin!
Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) recently posted..Here’s a Quote for Your Saturday…
Thanks so much Stefanie! You have such a gift of encouragement and that blesses me and many others!
Kristin, What a beautiful space! I’m so excited to see all that God is going to do through your time here! :)
Our Family for His Glory recently posted..What Does the Bible Say About Keeping a Clean House?
Thank you Jessica! I am so excited about this new step. How was your blogging break? Blessings, Kristin
I love this! My tag line is “rooted and grounded in love”. I am on a journey of going deeper in understanding God’s love for me. Thankful to journey along with you here in your new space!
Barbie recently posted..Dear Me….{A Letter To My Teen Self}
Hi Barbie, I really love your tagline! I am so very excited about this new direction because I do feel like I have roots in God’s love now and am ready to stretch and grow in that love. Glad you’re here too!