Welcome to Day 2 in our 31 Day series on A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done. In case you missed yesterday’s post you may want to go and read it first. Or just jump in right here with us today.
There’s a part of me that struggles with feeling qualified to write this series. Back when I started feeling like God was putting it on my heart to write this I had to wonder if I could live up to it. I’m still attempting to get a lot of things in my life organized and accomplished. My systems don’t always work right off the bat and I have to modify them often. However, there is something amazing that has been happening in my life that helps me more than any system or formula ever could. I want to share that with you today.
I mentioned before that I am on a team that puts on a blogging conference. One of the questions that gets asked of so many of our speakers who are moms is “How do you get it all done?” We all want to be able to be great at everything we put our hands to. In asking the question we are hoping that there is a secret formula or a perfect scheduling system that will set us on our way to becoming a great achiever.
I don’t think that is God’s heart for us though. He wants us to put Him first and love Him the most. He longs to be our go-to answer to all the things we need to get done. He cares so very intensely about all that concerns us and is on our plate and He can order it all for us but only if we put Him first.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
In the scripture above we are told what to seek first above anything else. And it comes with a promise. In the preceding scriptures Jesus talked about the things that worry and concern us like food and clothing. Essentially He is saying I’ll take care of everything you need (even your schedule and giving you direction) when you put me first.
What we put first in our lives orders everything else. If I am trying to get everything done and that has first place – my schedule orders my life. If I care about my family eating healthy and that is the thing that I put first in my life it will order every other aspect of my life. If I am driven to be known and make that my priority then everything I do will be to serve the god of getting attention.
When we put God first and love Him the most, then He takes everything else on Himself. He will order your day, meet your needs, handle your concerns and take care of your tomorrows.
I had been feeling so overwhelmed with life when this truth first began to soak into my heart. I was amazed at how much I started to get done and how many things got taken care of as I turned my affections towards God and learned to seek first His Kingdom.
It is so worth it to trust Him with our whole hearts, to put him first and to love Him the most. The way we do this is to spend time with Him. Read His Word and listen for His voice, Get to know Him better and let Him know you. Let’s work on this as we dive into a few more practical ways to get everything done this week.
See you back here tomorrow for Day 3 in our A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done series. If you’d like to get the posts straight to your email inbox click here to sign up.
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I really appreciate this idea. It makes me think of the “big rock” idea where you can’t fit big rocks into a container full of tiny pebbles, but if you put the big rocks in first, then the tiny pebbles will fit in around.
BUT, I always hear this concept in relation to: put the most important things (family, going to church, care for self, etc.) first, but not necessarily that GOD is the big rock, and He needs to be what’s in there. Maybe He’s the ONLY big rock! Looking forward to reading through more of your posts. :)
Kelly S recently posted..Wrapping Up: 31 Days of Global Missions with Kids
This is so true. I am reading the four hour work week to try to decrease my lure to things that don’t matter as much. I love that scripture! — saw you on 31 days!