It’s been a long time since I have written anything in this space. I shared new vision and direction and then left this space empty like my life was on hold. I didn’t share why on social media or even really talk about it with many friends. I was processing a major shift in my heart and my thinking.
When I left off I had been struggling quite a bit that past year. I knew that God had put certain dreams in my heart that I longed to pursue. The problem was that every time I would begin to work towards them I would fight with having enough time, feeling overwhelmed and often just couldn’t overcome the obstacles that were in my way.
I decided to take some time to get away and seek God for some answers, clarity and vision for these dreams that He had put on my heart. I couldn’t understand why His answers seemed to be so elusive. I prayed and listened and read His Word while I was away and just wasn’t hearing anything. I remember going to bed that evening so frustrated. I just gave up.
The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I asked God about it again “Lord, please give me clarity!” As soon as I said it I heard His gentle loving and firm correction “Kristin, none of this is going to come together for you until you fight for peace in your home and with your family.”
I had been trying to organize my family around my dreams instead of letting God use me and my faithfulness to my family to bring my dreams to life.
I knew exactly what God meant as soon as He said it. There were a lot of things fighting against peace in my life at the moment. It was evident in my marriage and difficult things some of my kids were going through. They needed more of my time and energy in this season. There were also things with my home – the way I was running it that brought myself and my family anxiety.
(As moms we use cute little sayings about having sticky floors while raising little ones but if it is stealing your peace fight for that peace.)
God’s conviction was so swift and at the same time so very sweet. I knew that He was on my side and fighting for me. He was telling me that the way for my dreams to come to life was to obey the steps He gave me and to trust that He would bring about the rest. The steps I needed to take in that moment were to fight to have peace in my home – to make it a place of rest and peace for my family. I needed to fight for peace in my heart about how I was investing in relationships with my husband and my children.
So, I did. I fought for months for peace in our relationships, in my home and in my own heart. And would you believe that the most amazing thing happened? I fought and I found peace. I’ve decluttered my heart, my home and my relationships with God’s leading. I feel lighter and freer and am in such a better place.
And now? Now I have the freedom to keep fighting for peace but also to step out even more into the calling God has on my life. And I’ve learned this:
God is going to be just as faithful to your calling as He asks you to be to walking with him to achieve it.
So, I’m beginning again to step out into the things I am called. This time even more sensitive to being a whole-hearted person and loving this peace-filled life I have fought to have.
This post! You’ve expressed exactly where I’ve been the last year. I struggled in the same way and God has spoken this same truth to me. I told my husband last night (and I hadn’t even read this post yet) that I’m finally at peace with where I am and what God is doing. I haven’t picked a word for the year since 2014 but God picked one for me this year and he gave it to me in November. Honestly, I wasn’t quite ready for it then! My word is “Rest”. I even wrote a IG and FB post about it yesterday complete with a selfie as a part of the #bravephotochallenge. Kristin, thanks so much for making the time to write this post. It is a blessed affirmation for me in ways I could never explain!
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I do forget that when he calls me into a space he is also the One that equips me and carries me. My zeal whisks me away from him. After watching your Live follow up, I remembered the verse “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” Thanks for reminding me that the call on my life is multi-dimensional and I don’t have to manage all of it. Just today.
Love and hugs to you. I’m so glad that God helped you find that peace you needed in your heart and home!!
Thanks so much Leigh!