Welcome to day 1 in our 31 days series called A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done. I am so glad you are joining in! I am excited about this series and I hope it will be as helpful to you as it has been to me.
I’m still learning, growing and making mistakes when it comes to organizing my life but I believe that there are some deep truths that have set me on a path towards making good choices that have great benefits. One of those benefits has been increased productivity in a very busy time in my life. It all started with a crucial “Yes.”
Let me explain. One day recently I was thinking about all of the things that I have on my heart to do. I want to get the ministry of Brave Moms up and running. I’ve been pondering starting a podcast. I want to write a book. I want to do some painting and decorating in my home. I want to schedule out quality time on my calendar with my kids (instead of just making time for it spontaneously). I want to work on having a better marriage and loving my husband well. I want to… the list seems unending and I often don’t know where to begin. They are all excellent things to put my time into and most of them I feel called to do. I just didn’t know where to start.
I kept having a conversation with God like this: “What should I do God? Which one should I do first? Should I do them all? Should I not do this one? Should I wait on this one?
It was then that I learned one of the most valuable lessons. As I questioned each action I felt as though God was asking me “Kristin, will you say yes to me?”
Of course! I’ve said yes. I believe in you. I live for you and serve you. I love you.
“But will you say yes to Me and the plans I have for you before you even have them? Before you know what they look like, how they are organized or what order they come in?”
This is the yes of complete trust. Trust that He knows infinitely more. Trust that He cares deeply for me and my family. Trust that His order is best. Trust that I can do all that He gives me to in His strength even if it is a lot.
This yes felt different from any yes I had decided to say before. It was a yes to His way and His timing. It was complete surrender. Before He would reveal to me the things to say yes to, He just simply asked me to say yes to Him.
So let’s start right here. With a yes. Will you be a yes girl?
God wants you to say yes before you have the plan and the direction. He wants your yes before you have a clue what life will bring your way. It’s His upside-down and backwards way of doing things. He wants our whole lives and our whole trust.
Once He has our yes, then he begins to show us the way, little by little, while we trust Him with the big picture. When God has your yes then He knows that He has your whole heart and He wants your whole heart. He can trust you with His work when you give whole life to Him. Schedule and all.
So, there’s no homework tonight other than to ask yourself if God has a yes from you about what He wants to do with your life in and through you. If He does then awesome! Let’s jump into more tomorrow. If not, and you want to say yes then just tell Him you are choosing to say yes. Ask Him to teach you to trust Him completely.
If you have more questions about this please feel free to email me! I’d love to help you.
See you back here tomorrow for Day 2 in our A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done series. If you’d like to get the posts straight to your email inbox click here to sign up.
Click here to go to the next post in the series.
This couldn’t have come at a better time. I look forward to this journey. :)
This is why I need this series so much — it’s right where I am. Just this past Wednesday, I was groaning within about all the guilt I seem to carry during the day (I should have done this…I should say that…). The Holy Spirit then convicted me that I wouldn’t carry that guilt if I simply did — immediately — the one thing I should do, right when the Spirit reminded me. So, like you say, I need to say YES to the mundane and to the significant, to the easy and to the hard, to whatever He has for me at that moment. Thanks for the reminder!
YES! I already know I am going to love this series! PS I’m hoping God leads me to do a podcast someday too 😄
Jen Weaver recently posted..No Light At The End of My Tunnel
Ah, You would be great at a podcast! So glad you are joining in on this series Jen! Blessings, Kristin
i am so looking forward to gleaning from your wisdom over the next 31 days!!! <3
So glad to have you join in Kayla!
This is great! I often will think about what I want to do, and then pray for God’s blessing on my life that it is His will – I love how you frame this “yes”
Heather recently posted..What is Self-Care?
Thank you Heather! So glad you are joining in on this. I have learned that getting organized and prioritizing starts in my heart and then trickles down to all the other things. You are right. Praying for God’s will to be done is so important! Look forward to getting to know you. Blessings, Kristin