A sweet friend of mine had to say goodbye to her precious little 2 year old son yesterday. I grieve with her in knowing how hard a way-too-soon goodbye is.
I am reminded though, of a sweet moment and deep revelation of God’s love after I said my own goodbye to my newborn son years ago.
It was tucked inside a gentle reminder from my dad as he offered me comforting words. “You just lost your first and only son. God knows what that’s like. He gave up His one and only son for you…for us. He knows exactly where you are.”
I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me.
Just the night before I had sat in my deepest, darkest moment of grief and felt the full weight of my pain and loss.
Now I imagined how God willingly went through that for me. He experienced the death of His Son for me…for you.
God gave His only Son…so that I may live. So that my precious son could live forever with Him and so that I would get to see him again one day.
And I’m overwhelmed all over again.
He’s a good God. Even in Loss.
Would you join me is lifting up the Jacobs family in prayer?
Thank you so much Kristin. Love you.
I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s loss. I cannot even fathom what she must be walking through, nor what you had to walk through. So thankful for a God who truly understands the depth of our pain.
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