I rolled over to my back and looked up at the ceiling and prayed for answers. “Why God? Why do I struggle with laying work down to spend more time with my kids? Why do I let little things get me so worked up? Why can I not just be good at this?!”
It hadn’t even been a particularly hard day. Just one where I felt like I could have given more, could have spent more time with my kids. Even though my husband was away I felt like I was handling things well. “Good” was just being elusive as always.
It was in that quiet moment that I heard the all-wise Whisperer say “Who says you aren’t good? I say you are good.”
It took me a minute to fully grasp this revelation.
“Are you not mine? Have I not called you to be a mom? A “good” mom? Quit declaring over yourself that you are a bad one and start believing you are a good one. Not because you have done anything good but because I have called you good and therefore you are. Rest in it and let me transform you into it. You are a good mom. And for that matter you are a good wife and a good friend and a good…”
Now I had a choice. What do I agree with? Is it possible that I really am a good mom or is the truth that I am a bad mom with ever failing attempts at being good?
Our words are powerful. Life and death. Good and bad.
As I walk this road in my calling as a mom and embrace that I am declared good, I begin to become what I embrace. Before it was a lie – that I was bad. I became the bad that I spoke repeatedly over myself. It was an unending cycle. Well, at least until the truth set me free.
So I want to offer this to you today: You are good. Whether you are single, a wife, a mom, a friend, a writer, worker, whatever you are called to be, you are good. God has declared it over you. Believe it and begin to walk in it. Let go of your grip on bad and cling to the thought that God has made you and you are good. Walk in your calling of good. You don’t have to change a thing other than what {who} you agree with.
How do you see yourself? Can you embrace that you have been declared good?
Olivia lemus you have a wonderful and good family your blog is really good-Jessica Sosa
Beautifully written Kristin and certainly hits home for me and I”m sure many!! Well done!
Thank you Dana! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!