The giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Lisa who won. I have sent you an email so be sure to look for it.
{This is a page from Empty Arms, Hope Filled Heart eBook}
The day is finally here. Empty Arms Hope-Filled Heart the book comes out today. This book is for the mom who has lost a child. It is meant to offer her hope and encouragement.
This book has been on my heart for several years. It is the book I wish I had when I went through the loss of my sweet baby Nathan.
This book was birthed through those dark days. The days when I could barely breathe because the grief was so thick. The days when I just clung to a faithful God even though I couldn’t see faithfulness in my circumstances yet.
It was in those days, when the tears would come in the middle of the grocery store or while standing in line at the bank, that I prayed a prayer that God has since answered. “God, heal my heart. Don’t leave any wounds untended. Seep into the deepest cracks and make me whole again. I don’t care how hard it is to go through. I want to be whole again.”
Little by little, my gracious Heavenly Father revealed truth to my heart that healed me and even changed my thinking about loss and grief. I learned about how God views loss and that He doesn’t cause it (one day I’ll write about this in more detail because it seems to be a great misconception). I learned about where He is in our grief and pain and that He actually grieves with us {picture that for a minute…your pain is felt by a loving God}.
There were many discoveries for me along the way and every time I learned of another mom going through a loss of her own I ached for her and wanted to give her a book filled with all that I had learned. That is how Empty Arms, Hope-Filled Heart was born. Now I have a way to share God’s heart and His truth with you so that you have the opportunity to be whole again as well.
Some times we think that healing from a loss means that we move past it and we don’t want to dishonor our children by doing so. But the truth is that becoming whole again doesn’t take away the missing or the memories or the dearness of that child. No, it simply allows us to become all that we were created to be by removing the hindrances and lies we believe that can stand in our way. In my opinion, becoming whole again is the greatest form of honoring the child you lost.
All of that to say that if you have lost a baby this eBook is meant to encourage you and offer you hope. There is also a paperback version that is perfect for giving as a gift to a friend who has gone through a loss. Often, when a friend goes through something as difficult as loosing a child, we don’t know what to say or do but this book is the perfect gift that will minister to them sweetly and let them know you care.
A giveaway doesn’t have the same kind of excitement with it when you attach it to a book for women who have lost a baby. It’s an awful price to pay to win something. However, I do know that there are many things that deeply blessed me when I lost my sweet baby and I so wish I could give each of them to every mother who has lost a baby of her own. I have worked with some of the beautiful and amazing creators of these items to bless a mom who would be comforted by them.
The giveaway winner will receive the items described below.
1. A single 12×12 gallery wrap print of the winners choice from Red Letter Words. This scripture art is amazing and a powerful reminder to have in your home. Dee does beautiful work and has generously offered to donate a special piece to the winner. If you haven’t seen her work before you MUST visit her site and explore all of the beautiful prints, cards, candles and even fabric to decorate your home with truth from God’s Word. PS. Go read Dee’s about page to see a bit of her heart and be encouraged by this godly woman! Please note that the winners choice does not include custom work.
2. An 8×10 head and shoulders drawing from Portraits by Dana – single figure {valued at $115}. I cannot tell you how blessed I was to find Dana and her art when I lost my son. Most of my photos of my son were with tubes in him and I just wanted a picture of him from the way I remembered him as he was first born. Dana was amazing to work with and created a piece that blesses me every time I see it. I actually have a picture of my son to hang on my wall just like my other children. It is so very dear to me.
Dana has a beautiful gallery of memorials that are such wonderful tributes to children that were lost and loved deeply. She also has a certificate of life that is just beautiful! Be sure to visit Dana on Facebook to see more of her work and items that she offers. You can contact her at if you would like to work with her to create your own art work.
3. A digital Download of Watermark’s album “All Things New.” This album has the song “Glory Baby” on it which is a song dedicated to a baby that Nathan and Christy Nockels of Watermark lost. It is a beautiful song and I believe that it will bless you, as well as the entire album.
4. An Empty Arms, Hope-Filled Heart eBook and a Paperback book (8.5″ x 8.5″).
5. A basket of special things to take care of yourself with during this tender time. These will be some of my favorite items that were just nice to have during a difficult time. They include a journal, candle, bubble bath and more.
To enter simply leave me a comment below. If you would like additional entries you may tweet about the eBook and giveaway: Tweet and leave me a comment letting me know that you did.
Giveaway ends Wednesday September 26th at midnight and a winner will be selected randomly.
Don’t forget to check out the eBook and share it with your friends!
I cannot wait to read your book
I love this great giveaway. Thank you.
Wonderful giveaway. :)
Emily recently posted..Dark Shadows DVD/Blu-Ray Giveaway (10/10)
i lost a child 6 years ago and it still hurts everyday, i really want to read this
This looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway! jenniferpeaslee at gmail dot com
i tweeted
what a wonderful giveaway, thank you!
This looks like a wonderful book for myself and to share!
I’d love to read this. My husband had stillborn twins with his first wife. When I found out I was expecting twins, we thought God was giving J back what he had lost. We sadly suffered a miscarriage and lost both.
I would def. like to see how a drawing of my family would look like
Tweeted as @wordromancer
Thank you for this giveaway and for the book!
A very close friend of mine recently lost a child and has been searching for God’s help in healing…I think I will download your book, read through it and if it doesn’t seem like it would be too immediately painful I’ll get her a copy. Thank you for reaching out to those who are suffering.
I will be reading your book. I suffered a miscarriage, and my mother suffered an infant loss. Thank you for putting your heart out there and trying to help others.
Love the wrap prints.
What a fantastic selection! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love to read the book.
whatta thoughtful giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson GFC: janna@feedyourpig
What a sweet and special story you have. I can tell you have a beautiful heart.
9/20 Tweet:
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
Terri P recently posted..Running Out? Run in! Giveaway — Ends 9/25/12
The sweet young woman I used to babysit lost a child. I know she mourns still and often grieves in silence. I would like this for her — to offer her comfort.
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail dOT com
Terri P recently posted..Running Out? Run in! Giveaway — Ends 9/25/12
I think it’s so lovely that you’ve turned your loss into something positive that will help others. This loss community is so wonderful <3
Lisa recently posted..Finley Helps Save Lives
I would love to read this book. I also wanted to say that Dana is amazing. We just got a portrait done by her and it was the first time that we got to see our boys together. Our twins were born at 25 weeks. One of our sons died at birth and our other little guy was very sick and spent 4 months in the NICU. We never got to see our boys together after they were born and it was so heartbreaking to me. Through Dana’s portraits we were finally able to see what our boys would have looked like together.
I’m so sorry for your loss Jana. What a blessing Dana is to families like ours. Thank you for sharing your story. I am so very glad that you were able see what your boys looked like together!
p.s. I don’t need to be entered in the drawing since I already have a portrait, but I am going to try and get my hands your book :)
Thank you for writing this book!
Kristin- Looking forward to reading your story.
I know our seasons of loss have been some of the darkest…and the times when our souls were stretched to feel more sorrow and in turn joy. Thank you for sharing your words.
Glad to have found you via twitter!
Melanie recently posted..Comment on Dear Teenage Me, by Melanie
I would love this.
I can’t wait to read your book. I hope I win this giveaway so bad. My son aiden was stillborn.
Christine, I’m so sorry that you lost Aiden before he was even born. What a hard thing to go through. Praying for you!
Kristin, I am so proud of you for doing this! I remember very well that dark, difficult time. To be able to share and to take the time to write about it I know must have been sentimental but nonetheless I am so proud and glad to be your friend no matter how much distance is between us. I admire your courage, strength and faithfulness very much! I miss you and love you sweet friend! Praying for you that all goes well in all you do!! <3 Odalys
Thank you so much Odalys! This means a lot coming from you. Love you!!
can’t wait to read this!! <3
I look forward to reading your book. I found journaling has helped me on this journey. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity and to All the generous vendors.
I look forward to reading your book some day. As a bereaved mother myself, I find it heartwarming and inspiring that you wrote this book. You took something painful and provided details on your journey. Bereaved parents aren’t alone and it helps to know that.
Hi, Thank you for your heart’s work and help healing other mama’s with empty arms. I wish I had your book when I had my miscarriage. I know the loss isn’t the same, but spiritual encouragement would have been nice while I was walking my dark path towards healing.
charlotte recently posted..Labor Day weekend
Hi Charlotte, I’m so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. Loosing a baby at any stage is painful and difficult. We connect with our babies and begin to dream about and for them even early on in pregnancy. It’s so sad to loose them and the hope we have for them and grieving is hard. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your comment! Blessings, Kristin
Hi, I think your book is a beautiful sentiment. I wish I had something like it when I had my miscarriage. I realize the loss isn’t the same as losing an infant, but it would have been nice to have your encouraging words as I walked down my dark path and tried to keep the faith.
I can’t wait to read the book. I’m in the midst of grieving our 4th second trimester loss and our only little girl. I’m so thankful there are others willing to encourage and support those going through this hurt.
Mandy, I am so sorry to hear about your losses. It is so difficult to lose a baby and my heart hurts for you. I pray that this eBook will bless you.