Hello friends! So far we’ve covered the most important step in becoming a really good mom, which is seeking God first. Next we talked about being sure of who God is. Now on to this week’s subject: knowing who you really are.
Ever felt like you were losing yourself in motherhood? What is it exactly that we feel is missing? Can the act of motherhood really cause you to lose who you are? It depends on what you believe about who you are. There are truths about who you are that cannot be lost but sometimes they can be difficult to discover or even believe.
Our lives are shaped by what we believe about ourselves and we often let others define for us who we are. That is where the real losing of ourselves happen.
When we are little it happens innocently. We get teased and we decide to not let our guard down anymore. We feel rejection and we agree with the lie that we need to hide who we are. We feel shame and cover ourselves.
As we grow we get better at hiding and sometimes we overcompensate for things we see in others (perhaps our parents) that we didn’t like. We decide who we don’t want to be but maybe we don’t really know yet who we are.
We become wives with needs to meet. Kids come and demands are met often with empty wells to draw from. Who am I? I don’t really know and now I must try hard to have this weak and lied to version of me be able to meet needs and demands. I feel like I am losing myself but the reality is I never really knew who I was in the first place.
Sound confusing and depressing? Ever felt like this?
So how do we find ourselves? How do we know who we really are? We go to our source, which is the One who created us and declares that we are good. We’ve bought into lies and tried to figure out on our own who we’d like to be but let’s let our guard down for a moment with the One who sees us completely and knows even what we wish couldn’t be known about us.
God calls you beautiful. His beloved. He calls you child. He calls you His. He calls you friend. He delights in the details of your life. He sees you…
He knows your strengths. He made you this way. And you can relax about your weaknesses. He knows them too and His strength is made perfect when you surrender your weaknesses to Him.
Knowing who you are according to Your Heavenly Father is how you find yourself. It’s where you get your confidence. It’s how you get on, and stay on, the right path for your life. Knowing who He declares you to be keeps you from trying too hard to be someone you aren’t.
So spend time getting to know who He is and spend time asking Him to show you who you are. Ask Him what His favorite thing about you is. Ask Him what weaknesses you have that you just need to admit to. Ask Him to show you if there are any ways you have been striving to be like someone else when it’s not really who He made you to be.
Ask God to reveal to you any lies you have believed about who you are. Let Him show you when you believed them and why. It’s so simple to ask for forgiveness for agreeing with a lie and to let the truth wash that broken place until it is whole again.
Read God’s Word and ask Him to put His love filter on the words. Knowing that He loves you so high, wide, long and deep makes His words about you, to you, come to life in your heart. Sit with these truths for a while and let them transform you into who He created you to be. I can’t wait to hear what He shows you!
This is also the beginning of really being able to love others. Once you know who you are you begin to be able to see others the way God sees them and who He uniquely created them to be. This will transform your marriage, your parenting and every other relationship!
I want to hear from you! What is something that God reveals to you about who you really are? Don’t be shy. Let us celebrate with you the amazing person that God made you to be!
Lisha Epperson says
He has revealed to me through blogging oddly enough that I am His. Everything I am and hope to be belongs to Him. He has given me the strength to publicly declare my complete dependence on Him – something I struggled to do for years. He has released me to write and share my journey but on the way to that, there was this – a very public “Re-vision.” Praise God.
Kristin says
That is beautiful Lisha! I love this and it truly is a testimony to God’s faithfulness. Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings, Kristin
Christin Slade says
There are several things God has revealed to me–such as the fact that He’s made me a writer. I had no problem believing this as I was growing up because I knew I loved writing and I got straight A’s in all my writing and advanced writing classes.
But once I became a mother, I somehow believed I couldn’t enjoy anything outside the scope of motherhood. That anything I “enjoyed” doing that didn’t involve my children was selfish. So, I hung up my writing. And I was miserable. I felt like I didn’t have an outlet. Writing is the way God has wired me. I fully believe that and embrace it now.
That doesn’t mean my love for writing is exempt from becoming an idol–that is a danger for anything in life: food, television, money, etc. ( I talk about this in my book). I’m so glad I listened to HIM because I have felt the freedom ever since and it’s awesome. Makes me a better mom. :)
Christin Slade recently posted..How My Dinner Menu Saved My Days {and My Budget}
Kristin says
Love that you shared this Christin! Isn’t is so important for us to accept the gifts that God gives us and operate in them?! I know I went through a struggle like this and only overcame after God showed me that I could be a better mother when I found fulfillment in my gifts and calling. It also serves to be an example to our children to accept and walk in their giftings as well.
I am so glad that you are a writer! You bless me and I’m glad to walk along side you on this journey. And I simply cannot wait to read your book and learn from your wisdom!
Blessings, Kristin