“I just can’t”
These little words that are not often spoken but thought an awful lot.
They seem to hide. They hide behind fear and, even though you hear them, they are deceptively quiet. They don’t scream at you and demand your attention. No, they just make their appeal and fade in and out until you no longer realize they are there.
This was my story. Is it yours?
“I just can’t…”
I just can’t tell the truth when I’ve made a mistake.
I just can’t keep doing this hard thing anymore.
I just can’t stay on this diet.
I just can’t overcome this stronghold no matter how hard I try.
I just can’t be a good mom.
I just can’t take this huge step that I feel like God is asking me to.
…and the list of “can’ts” goes on, quietly invading our thoughts and stealing our joy.
And then, just when you feel like all hope is gone and the weight you bear is too much to take, a voice, much more powerful than the “I just can’t” whispers “O, yes you can.”
You can do all things. Not alone, not in your own weak strength but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13).
But, oh how we forget. We forget the “I can do all things…” when the “I just can’t” starts. We buy the lie before we believe the truth.
If we could just get this truth. This powerful, overcoming, smash any obstacle, truth. If we let it sink deep into our hearts and transform our minds then we could answer every “I can’t” with “Oh yeah? I don’t know who you’re talking to but it sure isn’t me because I MOST CERTAINLY CAN.”
We can remember that Jesus came to set us free. There is no stronghold that He wants us to stay in. There is no idol He wants us to keep having. There is no lie He is okay with us still believing. He has given us every tool we need to overcome. We can lean heavy into Him, cast our cares on Him and oh, yes we can do ALL things He has created and designed us to do through Him in His strength. Don’t settle for less!
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