After I wrote the post last week declaring that Moms, you are powerful my week began to get more and more difficult and I felt less and less powerful. But I am so thankful that the power inside of me doesn’t depend on how I feel or what my circumstances are.
You see, I wrote that post on a high. I felt the power that I spoke of and I was so very confident in it. I had been blind and defeated and slowly over time the scales over my eyes were removed and I saw my circumstances for what they were. God whispered in my ear enough truth to shatter lies that had held my heart and shaped my beliefs. He is the one that says I am powerful and the power only comes from Him.
So as I began to feel less powerful as the week went on I wondered at what I had written. I knew it was true, believed it strongly, but didn’t feel it at all. Then I remembered something. His power is perfected in my weakness and oh how weak I am. I still have all of the authority, all of the power, that I ever did even if I don’t feel like it.
So what’s a girl to do when she doesn’t feel powerful? Wait. Sit at feet and ask to be filled. Our power runs out but His never does. He fills and we run and then we return because if we don’t, we will attempt to run on empty, or use our own power and that can be tragic. Your own power will never get you to where He wants you to be. He dreams BIG, HUGE dreams for you. They are full of overcoming, being joyful, having deep peace and the greatest fulfillment imaginable.
So on the days that you don’t feel powerful, remember that there is a source of power. Connect to it. Drink from it. And you will be filled with it.
Do you believe that you are powerful? What might be standing in the way of you believing it?