Welcome to Day 8 in our 31 Day series on A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done. In case you missed yesterday’s post you may want to go and read it first. Or just jump in right here with us today.
Comparison is probably on top of the list when I think about some of the reasons we may get off track in life and taking care of what needs to be done. A good question to ask when thinking about why we might be tempted to compare ourselves to others is a hard one. Ready? Do you like yourself?
Learning to like ourselves is important because sometimes we can get distracted and do things that are unnecessary just because we want other people to like us. We are searching for validation in other people’s like of us rather that liking ourselves and believing that God likes who we are. In order to be the most productive in the calling that is on our lives we need to like who God made us to be and what he has called us to do.
Now it may sound silly to think that you might not like yourself but so much of insecurity can stem from beating yourself up and giving yourself a hard time, not having grace for your weaknesses and not liking and appreciating who God made you to be. Tomorrow we will talk about getting to know yourself better and learning about who God made you to be but for today, I want us to really ask ourselves the question “do I like myself?”
In Psalms 139 it says:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Sometimes I wonder if we can truly say that about our lives? Do we really praise God for the way we are made? Not if we don’t really like who He made us to be. The Psalmist even says here that his soul knows very well that God’s works are marvelous. He had thought this through and agreed with God. His soul (mind, will and emotions) knew very well that God’s working out of who he was created to be was marvelous. The intricate working out of who we are is marvelous and God is worthy of praise over us.
It’s ok to like ourselves. It’s important to like ourselves. Today would be a good day to start if you struggle with this. Let’s give ourselves permission today to begin to praise God for the way we are made, weaknesses and all.
I would love to hear about at least 2 things you like about yourself. Go ahead and share in the comments as a way of agreeing with God about how amazingly He made you. I want to celebrate with you how marvelously you are made.
See you back here tomorrow for Day 9 in our A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done series. If you’d like to get the posts straight to your email inbox click here to sign up.
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Lips an feet!!
Love that we can share what we like about ourselves. Hope you have a lovely day! – Kristin
my hands & my mind