I’m back to regular blogging now that my 31 day series is over and I’ve recovered from 3 weekends away in a row. I had an amazing time at Allume {more to come about that}, and with my 4 sisters in North Carolina.
Now I want to resume the I See Jesus in You encouragement posts. You can link up if you’d like at the bottom by writing a post to encourage someone and linking up. This week is for my mother, who is very dear to me. She has raised 10 children, has 5 {soon to be 6} sons and daughters in-law and 16 grandchildren {and counting}.
Dear Mom,
I see Jesus in you. You loved me so very well as a child with tender words and late night talks. I remember feeling lucky to get the seat next to you for that spot often meant back rubs or you playing with my hair.
As I mom myself now I see Jesus in you and the many sacrifices you made for our family. You washed our feet in many ways and continue to pour into our {growing} family. You have served others long and with much grace and patience.
I see Jesus in you now as you fight to end modern day slavery and give of your time to see to its end. Just like Jesus, you make choices to love others, even those that you do not know personally.
As you pour into other younger mothers with your wisdom and experience I watch and feel blessed that I benefitted from so much of your guidance and encouragement growing up. It love that you taught me how to scrub toilets, do laundry, make dinner and love my husband.
I love you mom! Thank you for encouraging me and allowing Jesus to work through you!
Now it’s your turn. Every Thursday I am beginning an encouragement revolution. Let’s call out what we see in each other and bless one another. I want to encourage you to take a moment to speak love and life into someone by emailing them, calling them, texting them or even blogging about them. Let them know what you see in them.
If you blog and want to link up with me I will be posting each week a letter to someone that God puts on my heart to encourage. Do the same on your blog and link up below each week.
You’re welcome Kristin. Thank you for your words of encouragement. It has been a blessing and a privileged to be mother to this tribe.