Dear God,
I know you see us just as we are. You see us how you created us to be, fierce with potential. But we feel so weak so very often. We feel inadequate and sometimes we just cannot remember that we can be brave.
Would you help us to see You, in all of Your glory, fighting for us? Would you give us eyes to see Your truth about how good and powerful and near You really are? Help us to believe that we can be strong and courageous in You and not back down.
When motherhood has us weary and on our knees let us not see that as weakness but rather the most hopeful place we can be. Teach us that your strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Grant us wisdom, unusual wisdom, so that we know what to do at every turn. When days are long and nights are hard, remind us that you are there with us in this.
When we royally mess up give us courage to get back up and try again. Help us to look our enemy in the face and say “I may fall but greater is He that is in me than you. You will have no victory because I will try again.”
Teach us to have joy living each day with the fullness of your Spirit living, moving and having Your being within us. Work your way out of us and spill out all over everything we touch.
Let us hope in you alone. Be our all in all. Make us brave. Make us fearless because we live in your perfect love.
Your Daughters
You have no idea. None. NONE. When you know what my family is facing and know you wrote this, oh my. God. DID. this. I feel invisible to him and blind so that I cannot see him seeing me. I am alone as I fight a Goliath that has menaced so many, many people and gotten away with it. I have fasted, prayed, invited others to pray. Soaked in scripture. Listened to worship recordings. Surrendered my desire to see vengeance and surrendered my right for justice.
Yet, I am broken by the injustice of it all and even more torn up because I cannot SEE.HIM. in all the ugliness. I need you Jesus. I want you to be too sweet not to trust. I will cling. I will cling because of this. This gift. I am looking. I am waiting, I am watching. It just me. Help. me.
Carol Anne Swett recently posted..Laryngitis of the Soul – 3rd in a Series
It’s so amazing (and yet I should expect it) how God knows just when someone else will need what He puts on my heart. I’m so glad this spoke to you sweet friend. Praying for you! Love, Kristin