I cannot get away from feeling God’s heart for moms lately. I don’t want to honestly. It’s hard because it’s a broken place but it’s beautiful because there is so much hope and so much truth.
I asked God to speak to me about His heart for me and for moms and He tucked me under His arm and held me as I watched a projector in my mind showing moms fighting in a rink being bloodied and beat up. And just when my heart was breaking I realized that His heart was already broken. He looked at me and said “Now, what are you going to do about it?”
His Words haven’t stopped since that moment. I cannot go through a day without Him speaking something new to my heart about how He sees moms and how He wants to mend our brokeness, and infuse our hearts with truth.
I got scared because I feel this so strongly and I want to communicate it strongly but wondered if it’s good enough to just say that God wants to do a work and make moms brave? I don’t ever want to belittle how hard mothering can be or the fact that we all grow tired and weary. We are human and that happens to the best of moms. But I do sense that there is a deep work God wants to do to encourage moms to fully embrace ALL He has for us in mothering. It’s a call to awaken, to arise. To be brave.
I also don’t want this to be little. You know how you sometimes feel passionate about something and other people might not get it the same way you do? That scares me honestly. And there again is another way that I just have to say yes to this call and be brave.
So, I thought I’d really share with you what I sense is God’s heart for moms.
It’s not about moms not being tired or no longer needing to be refreshed. No, we all are human and need to rest and recharge. It’s more about what is in our hearts and minds. It’s believing God about who He is and who He says we are. We fear so very much in motherhood and in life but we can still be brave in the midst of it. I believe that God longs for us to take some time for ourselves. To ask Him how He sees us and to transform our hearts. We can never be equipped to call out the gifts and callings in our children until we accept and seek out the gifts and callings in our own lives first.
We long for our children to be brave, to do great things and to serve God with their whole hearts but are we? We can dream these things for our kids but how much better would it be to dream these things for ourselves and allow our children to see how it’s done first hand?
We focus on our kids and we focus on the external things so much. I believe that God’s heart is that we take a good long look at ourselves and the internal. That we lay aside distractions for letting Him heal us and teach us how to be brave.
You have a great call on your life! You! But you will never fulfill it unless you allow this deep work and step up to the call to be brave.
So, let’s start something. I’m not sure what it looks like yet but it’s all about being a brave mom. Watch for the #BraveMoms hashtag on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. God’s up to something and I cannot wait to see all of the ways He moves through brave moms.
Where are you at? I’d love to hear from you! What do you imagine when you hear the term “Brave Mom?” What does it mean for you in your own life?