Welcome to day 1 of our Becoming an excellent {not perfect} mother series. I’m very excited to dig in to this topic.
First let’s talk about what this means. What do I mean when I say becoming an excellent mother? Perhaps I should set the stage first by telling you what it isn’t.
Being an excellent mother isn’t:
- having it all together
- being on top of everything
- being just like Martha {Stewart OR the Bible version}
- never messing up
- not getting frustrated
- just copying another mother because she seems to be doing it great
- pretending bad days don’t happen
Being an excellent mother is:
- letting Jesus hold you together
- relying on Him for wisdom and grace
- not attempting to do it like anyone else without seeking God for how He would have YOU do it
- accepting grace for yourself
- extending grace to your family
- being diligent
- seeking God’s priorities for you and then making them your priorities
- accepting the good and the bad and allowing it to make you more like Jesus
Sound good? Is it something you want? Good! Me too!
Here are a few of the things we will discuss in this series:
Guilt & Shame
Agreeing with the Truth
You are who He says you are
How powerful you are as a mom & how excellence makes you even more powerful
Seeking wisdom {how to get wisdom for your mothering woes}
What to do on the hard days
And much more!
When you think about being an excellent mother what comes to mind? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments? Any particular topics you’d like to discuss in this series?
P.S. If you missed any of the posts you can find a link to all of them here. Also, let your friends know to join us too by sharing this post with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or send them a quick email {see links to share below}.
Thank you for the reminder!
I feel like I’ve been encouraged the same way you were.. “Oh, God understands how busy you are….” I know that, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still go to Him. Feels like an excuse sometimes.
Dropping everything no matter what it is to aid my children. Whether it be losing a little sleep to clean my daughters cheerleading outfit for the next day or email my son’s teacher at 10:00 pm (when I should be asleeping) to tell her thank you for encouraging my son to “let go” of past misbehaviors because today is a brand new day to be your best. Kristin, I am going to love the next 30 days fellowship with you and the rest of the girls ….thank you!
I really like this! I definitely need to remember all of these!
Kristin, I love your heart for moms, for sisters who need encouragement. This looks so awesome. Looking forward to your gentle wisdom here.
Thank you Jennifer! Excited to go through 31 days with you. Blessings, Kristin