Hello friends! How are you? I’d really like to know!
God has been stirring my heart toward more faith and less fear in every. single. area. of my life.
He has been stretching me in ways I never thought I could be stretched. Asking me to do things that require dying to myself and my fears. It’s crazy hard but it’s also an amazing adventure that I know He is with me on.
One of the buttons God keeps pressing on me is “Be anxious for NOTHING.” No thing. Not one.
It’s a radical way of thinking and a completely new way to live considering that our society breeds fear and feeds on it (myself included).
So, with God’s help I am taking Him at His Word that He is always with me and will never leave me. I am taking my anxious thoughts captive and submitting them to this command to be anxious for nothing.
I’ll share more about God’s dealings with me on fear next week but I wanted to challenge you, on this first day of the month, to live beyond yourself in a place free of anxiety over anything.
My plan is to tweet daily about taking anxious thoughts captive and to see what God does in my heart over the month. I’d love for you to join me if you wish and use the Twitter hashtag #anxious4nothing.
What have you been anxious or afraid about lately that you need to submit to your heavenly father?
Thank you so much, Kristen. Your kindness brought tears to my eyes. I mostly posted to let you know that there are people out in cyber land that find what you are doing so helpful and you are being used by God in ways you have no idea! God bless, you my sister! Keep doing what you are doing! Thank you again for your kindness and your prayers.
I am most certainly in. My husband was unfaithful 5 years ago and I have pretty much lived in fear, waiting for him to “do it to me again”. Praise the Lord, dh says he is living for God now and doing what is right. However, I am usually afraid to believe him and it isn’t any fun living in fear. I know I have to leave dh to the Lord and let God work in his life and heart but the fear is always there. I am totally looking forward to this!
Wow Amy, what a challenging thing to go through. Thank you for sharing. I can only imagine the fear that tries to creep in in those circumstances. I will pray and believe with you that God’s truth will flood your heart and that you will be free from fear in this area. Praying right now that God’s truth floods your heart in many ways. Thank you for joining me! We need each other to lift us up and encourage us in this area. Blessings, Kristin
Kristin – I’m IN! My daughter is experiencing some disturbing affects of a severe concussion she had 4 months ago. She’s 14 and is having the most important things (to her) stripped in this process — esp. her beloved club soccer team (like family) and soccer altogether. This comes just before high school. It’s so hard watching her heart grieve. Praying that she deepens her faith and turns to God as she searches for who she is outside of her activities. More than that, however, the temptation to worry about these symptoms and if they will ever go away, is great. Turning it all into prayer… OUT LOUD prayer. Bless you, sister in Christ. Let’s journey together….
Oh, Krista, I am so sorry she is going through that! I have a 14 year old daughter as well and reading this hits me right in the heart. We have had some issues, not nearly as severe, that have been challenging. It can be so hard for them and for us to have faith in the midst of it. I will be praying for you and for her. I’m excited to share a blog post next week about what God spoke to me about some things I was really fearful about. It has changed my life and my prayer is that it will be helpful beyond just my own struggles with life and fear.
Yes, let’s journey together! Blessings, Kristin