I’m SO glad you are here! This 31 day series is all about helping you live a better, more fulfilling life. We start October 1st but you can jump in anytime.
What is the number one question I hear from other moms? How on earth do I get it all done?! Being a mom is an amazing job but if we are stuck in an overwhelming cycle of not being able to climb out from under all the things on our plate we will never be able to enjoy it.
You may hear others encouraging you to “stay in the moment” but how on earth can you do that when the laundry is piling up, your child’s room is an insane mess, you are late scheduling the dentist appointments, and dinner needs to be done in 20 minutes? And those are just your family responsibilities. What about the things your heart longs to do? The calling on your life? The friendships you want to maintain and all the rest of life that is begging for your attention?
I’ve struggled with this very thing for years and have learned a lot along the way. Recently, I have found myself in a very busy season with lots more on my plate than usual. In the past I would just start cutting things out until I felt I could breathe again. This time is different though. I’ve learned how to not be a weary mom and it is helping me keep my eyes on the proper things during incredibly busy seasons of life.
Over the next 31 days I want to share with you some of the things I have learned that have helped me tremendously and that I believe will help us all to live life well while staying on top of all the things we need to maintain in life.
This series will be both spiritual and practical. I don’t think you can have one without the other. We’ll go to God’s Word to see what He says about our priorities and we’ll learn about ways to fill ourselves up to endure the challenges that come up when you are a mom.
In case you are new here I’d love to tell you just a little bit about myself – I am Kristin Lemus, wife to a great guy and mom to 7 children. My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 7. We have 5 girls and 2 boys (one in heaven). 2 of my girls are twins. I love to write and share my heart here on my blog. I am also passionate about encouraging other moms to be brave and boldly live out their callings as moms. I help host a blogging conference, and am working on a new site and conference for moms called Brave Moms. I’m incredibly introverted and love one-on-one conversations. I like lattes, black and white stripes and good books.
So, how about you? Are you joining in for our 31 Days of A Mom’s Guide to Getting it All Done? I would love to hear about you! Introduce yourself in the comments. We’re going to have fun!
Each day I will link up the new post below. If you’d like to get the posts straight to your email inbox click here to sign up.
Day 1 – Start with Yes
Day 2 – The Thing that Orders Everything Else
Day 3 – Thinking Through Your Responsibilities
Day 4 – Doing it all from a Place of Rest
Day 5 – Know Your Why
Day 6 – What to Do with Your Why
Day 7 – Just Because it’s Hard Doesn’t Mean You are Doing it Wrong
Day 8 – Do You Like Yourself?
Day 9 – Get to Know Yourself
Day 10 – A Beautiful Life
Day 11 – You Can’t Do it all but You can Get it all Done
Day 12 – Unusual Wisdom
Day 13 – Why Moms Need Mentors and How to Get One
Day 14 – Why Moms Need Mentors and How to Get One Part 2
Day 15 – Fighting for Peace
Day 16 – Finding Joy
Day 17 – Let’s Be Fearless
Day 18 – How to Become Fearless
Day 19 – Overwhelmed is a Lie
Day 20 – You Have Permission
Day 21 – Turn Pressures into Questions
Day 22 – A Mom’s Guide to Completing Her To Do List
Day 23 – Cease Striving
Day 24 – Hard Work
Day 25 – Planning for Success
Day 26 – Little Helpers
Day 27 – Completely Complete
Day 28 – Overcoming Weary
Day 29 – Simplify Where You Can
Day 30 – Get Competitive
Day 31 – Final Thoughts
See you tomorrow!
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I’m so glad you won the write 31 days giveaway this week because it brought me to you! I love your series and look forward to reading more! Thank you for your words.
Aw, thank you Sarah! I’m so glad you stopped by. I was excited to win. I hope the series is helpful! ;) Blessings, Kristin
HI! Love your blog and your heart! I found you as you are the first post in the Family section of #Write31Days challenge while mine is the last! Hello! And we have so much in common-Moms of large family and writing conference leaders, for starters! Nice to meet you virtually-hopefully in person some day! Blessings on your writing- Cornelia
Cornelia Becker Seigneur recently posted..Raising Culturally Engaged Kids
Hi Cornelia, It’s so nice to “meet” you! Yes, we do seem to have a lot in common. I love how the internet connects us to people we never knew we should know. ;) I’m so glad you stopped by and I look forward to getting to know you. Blessings, Kristin
Enjoyed your first seven days! I’m looking forward to reading more! Writing for 31 days along with you! #write31days
Evelyn recently posted..Shine On
Thank you Evelyn! I’m off to visit you on your site… Blessings, Kristin
Because of health issues, I can honestly say I don’t have *too much* on my plate; but what little I have often feels like too much. I’ll be reading your series – looking forward to learning a lot!
Becky recently posted..[31 Days #2] What Kind of Planner Are You?
Hi Becky, I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues. I know what that is like as I dealt with some pretty difficult health issues earlier this year. I’m praying for you right now. So glad you are joining in and reading the series. Blessings, Kristin
This series is so timely for me! We are just entering the busy season with our kids and I need all the help I can get to not be that weary mom! Can’t wait to follow along.
Wishing you a grace-filled 31 days.
Ashley recently posted..{house to home} 31 Days of Contentment: Thriving in the Here & Now
Hi Ashley, So glad you are joining in! I really hope it is helpful to you and encourages you along the way. Blessings, Kristin
So relieved to see this series. I’m a fellow introverted too-busy, can’t-cut-anything-more mom, so this is the hope I need. I’m signing up for your emails so I don’t miss anything. Thanks!
Awesome! I hope it is super helpful to you! Blessings, Kristin
I definitely need this series! Can’t wait to read more :-)
Heather recently posted..What is Self-Care?
Maybe you’re writing this for me? I certainly feel “in the thick of it” with a busy entrepreneurial husband, three kiddos ages 6 and under, serving with our church, and working full time! Looking forward to learning from your wisdom.
LeeAnn Taylor recently posted..Parenting With Purpose: Creating a God-Centered Home
Hi Leanne, I have an entrepreneurial husband too and that in and of itself is a lot right?! Glad you are joining in. I hope the series is super helpful and encouraging. Blessings, Kristin