I feel like I’m starting to rock this mom thing. I don’t say that out of pride but rather a confidence that has been building as I let go of insecurity and learn to walk in more humility.
It’s only taken me nearly 21 years to feel this way. I hope for you it’s much, much sooner.
Here are 5 ways I’ve learned to rock it as a mom.
1. Understand that it is a season
It’s all a season! I cannot stress this enough. The toughest times come and go and they are just seasons of life that change and end. I am currently in a season that has me in the car driving different kids to and from rehearsals and practices for 2 hours straight multiple nights a week. I hate it. I would rather be doing just about anything else than sitting in a car for 2 hours but I’m totally rocking it because I’ve decided to have a good attitude because… it’s just a season. These rehearsals and practices are only for a few months out of the year and I can do this.
It’s the same with nursing and potty training and temper tantrums. They are all seasons. They all end – I promise. Tween hormonal fluctuations come to an end. Sibling bickering stops. The sooner you understand that each parenting hardship is a season the sooner you will approach each one with a confidence that knows you can do anything for a season.
You’ve so got this season! You can rock it, girl!
2. Stop the overwhelmed cycle
Life can throw you a ton of stuff as a mom and it is SO easy to get in a cycle of feeling overwhelmed. Hop off the cycle before it gets the best of you. Don’t give in to feeling overwhelmed – it’s just a feeling, I promise. As soon as you stop telling yourself you are overwhelmed you can begin to tell yourself that you’ve got this and you will start to rock your schedule and your desires.
Of course, you also need tons of grace for yourself. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed is purely your own self-imposed idea that you should have it all together. Rocking it does not mean having it all together and being perfect (Oh, did I forget to say that?!). No, it means being confident in your ability to be a good mom. And you have that amazing ability!
3. Don’t be afraid
It’s easy to be afraid that you are royally messing up your kids but that fear will actually cause you to do some messing up. Let the fear go.
They love you more than you think, listen to you more than you know, and have way more grace for you than you have for yourself. Don’t let fear hold you back. Decide to be bold and trust God, with them and with you.
4. Be confident in who you are
You are the right mom for the kids you have in your charge. You can handle them. You are good at it. You can do this.
When you live life with insecurity everything you do is filtered through that insecurity. Ugh! Let’s not do that. Ask yourself this ever-important question – do I like myself? If the answer is not a quick and enthusiastic “yes!” then spend some time finding out why and learn to accept yourself, faults and all and begin to like yourself. You are pretty stinking amazing and you should think so too!
5. Trust that they are going to get it
You can tell a kid 100 times to do something and it can seem as if they will never get it. But, trust me, they will. You are sowing good seed into the ground of their hearts and they will totally get it one day. Don’t give up. Don’t let hard days be what you gauge your success as a mom by. You will have plenty of hard days but trust that they will get it eventually. If you let your sense of success be determined by your diligence and not their actions you will be rocking it the whole time. You be awesome whether they are or not and pretty soon they’ll be rocking it too.
I love this so much. All of it! I’m just really starting to learn all of these lessons. The beautiful thing is, I can see how God has been trying to teach them to me all along. But I’m finally in a place where my heart is open enough and my focus more clearly placed on Him, that they are finally sinking deep in my heart and taking root. And it feels oh so good! Thank you for all your thoughts and wisdom! It is blessing my life, and I’m sure many more than you even realize 💜
So glad I stumbled upon this tonight! It was a God send! Thank you for the encouraging words! God Bless you!
Thank you, Kristin. I learn so much from you just as my mom learned so much from yours! Isn’t that just beautiful?