It’s a bold thing to claim that I know the one thing every mom needs to be successful but I do. It’s not always intuitive and I often forget. Sometimes I let other pressures and ideals get in the way and it can seem like they are more important for a bit but they aren’t.
It all comes back to this one thing. It is what makes any mom, in any situation, successful. It could be the sleep deprived mom, of a little one, that hasn’t taken a shower in days. It could be the mom, with a whole handful of kids, that cannot seem to keep from losing it whenever things begin to seem out of control. It could be the mom of a teen that is questioning their faith and beliefs. It could be the mom who has a grown son or daughter whose life hasn’t turned out as she’d hoped.
Really any and every mom just needs one thing. There’s an issue though. She doesn’t just need to be able to give this one thing. She needs to know it, accept it and believe it about herself. It needs to fill her and be what she is made of. It needs to be so deep in her that it spills out of her. Otherwise, she would be trying to give what she doesn’t have. There is another source and unless she is tapped into it she can never give it fully.
It mends broken hearts and rights wrongs. It is good and perfect. It covers a multitude of wrongs. It is the source of patience. It never gives up and endures all things.
Sounds like a mom’s dream right? I’m guessing you know what I’m talking about by now. Yes, it’s love. Just love.
It almost sounds so easy that we might be tempted to move on and not pursue this idea further but it’s worth sitting here for a moment and really thinking about what it means to be a mom filled with and overflowing with love.
It is what I need to be any good at this mothering thing.
I need it. I need to sit in it, wait in it, accept it, let it fill me.
I need to know that I am loved. I need to believe it in the deepest parts of who I am.
It can feel selfish to take the time to be filled with love. It can seem self-serving to come to accept yourself, believe in God’s love and live life confident of being loved but it’s not. It is the only way to really love your children.
So, if you struggle with patience, struggle with understanding your child, can’t figure out why you feel so drained or don’t want to play with your kids much – take the time to be filled with love today.
Ask God to speak His love to your heart and fill you to overflowing. Take time to hear His Word about His love for you. It is deep and abiding and He really wants you to use it as your source. Meditate on it, steep in it, dwell in a place where you believe it and receive it fresh each day.
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.Ephesians 3:17-19
You are right. God is love – Those who know God have everything they need for life.
Kristin, I wrote this down this morning:
Secure is His hand
Faithful in His faithfulness
Trustworthy in His love
When we move to know Him
He is there
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
Why did I ever think emancipation from Him would bring freedom?
There is no victory in the rebel yell!
Who we think God is, is important.
Who we know God is, is life changing.
Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You. Psalm 9:10
Chris Malkemes recently posted..Encounter With Christ (Skit Guys) – Day 3
Beautiful, life-giving truth! Thank you for reminding me of this today. It is so true – just sitting and believing that I am loved, makes me feel loving towards my kiddos.
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