If the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the servant of all…well, then Jesus is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven but I hope to be close to the top of the list somewhere {wink & smile}.
Serving means a lot of dying to oneself and being willing to do an awful lot of letting go and laying down of rights. It does not mean being without boundaries or letting people walk all over you but it does require for you to continue to humble yourself.
Ah, but that is the only place we are lifted up from – humility. And it’s the good kind of lifting up. The kind that Jesus does Himself.
There is a unique joy that comes from serving when you acknowledge that it is a privilege and honor to serve. Serve from your unique giftings as the mother of your specific children. It is pure worship to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your family.
When the messes are abundant and laundry is overflowing and you wonder how to do everything without grumbling or complaining turn your heart toward the math of the Kingdom. Simply serve. Humble yourself and your joy will multiply like never before.
You can find the rest of our excellent mom series here.