Have you ever thought about how little the Bible says about motherhood? It talks about plenty of mothers and describes a near perfect mother with the Proverbs 31 woman. Other than that there are a few scattered scriptures that address mothering. However, if you search for scripture on being a wife there is an abundance of it. When I thought about this it made me wonder – if we seek to be godly wives and children of God, will we become excellent in our mothering naturally?
If you think about it, when we are whole, set free, believe and act on God’s Word and love our husbands, is it possible for us to not mother excellently?
Which brings me to my point today, and why I waited so long in this series to mention it I don’t know, to be excellent at mothering we need to seek to be excellent wives even more so than excellent mothers.
I’m not going to go into all the details of being an excellent wife but I do want to encourage you to take some time to pray for your marriage today {and here are some thoughts on marriage and making it last}.
Turn your heart towards your husband today and think about how you can love Him well.
Oh I just love this… When our priorities and relationships are properly alligned, other areas fall into place. I hadn’t thought about the difference in how often being a wife is mentioned in the Bible over our role as mothers.