Being an excellent mother is a work that begins on the inside and works its way out to where it is visible from the outside looking in. It begins in your heart. It begins with believing the truth. Truth about who God is and who He created you to be.
Don’t we all have an inner longing to be excellent at what we do? Don’t we feel an urge and a push towards doing this job well and being good at it? Have you ever wondered why we so desperately desire to be good at it?
I believe it’s because God created us to be good at it. He fashioned us with everything we need to mother well, then He stepped back, looked us over and said that it was good.
He declared that we were good, excellent, at carrying and birthing life and then nurturing it as it grows. The main thing that keeps us from walking in excellence is not believing what God has already said is true about us.
I remember being at the end of my rope one day. I was mostly frustrated with myself and not so much my kids. I was the one who couldn’t seem to keep it together, lost my temper, couldn’t get the house in order and just dropped into a pile of tears on my bed at the end of the day.
I felt like a bad mom.
That feeling was becoming a frequent friend. Its voice was all too familiar. That is until truth broke through and I heard a whispered question asking me “Who says you are a bad mom? I say that you are a good mom. Who are you going to believe?”
It was the beginning of a journey and a heart shift for me. Once I began to agree with God’s truth about me, the truth started to be activated in my life and I began to live it. I started becoming a good mom. Not without rough days and mistakes but I could feel the truth taking root and flowing out of my heart.
I’ll share more of my journey in the days to come but I want you to know today that you are a good mom. If you begin to believe that you will be well on your way to becoming an excellent mom. What is inside of you will work its way out and if you have a bad mom mentality then that is what will show up externally.
Take a few moments today to ask God to show you how He sees you. Let His truth begin to redefine any lies you may have believed about yourself as a mother. What is He speaking to you?
Just in case you missed the first two days of this series, or want to go back to them, you can find them here.
See you tomorrow!
That is so true, if you have a bad mom mentality then it will work itself out of you.
“Where the mind goes, the man follows.” -Joyce Meyer. And it’s so true. What you think filters out into your everyday. And after reading this, I realized I as letting what I think about me filter out into my every day life. So I have to take captive my thoughts again…