Are you facing something difficult? Do you feel like there is a mighty army against you and things look pretty dreary? In reality that army may be stronger than you. They may have numbers and experience on their side.
A “vast” army was once marching against King Jehoshaphat and his people. When he heard the news he was alarmed. Um, who wouldn’t be? But I love. love. love what he did with that alarm. Second Chronicles 20:3 says that Jehoshaphat was alarmed and “sought the Lord for guidance.” He didn’t moan and complain about how impossible the situation was or try to come up with an idea of what to do. No, He sought the Lord as soon as he was alarmed.
Next, he called the people to fast and pray and gathered them together. Then he prayed and cried and begged God to do something. Not really, but I have done that before. No, Jehoshaphat put God first by praising Him, recalling how mighty He is and Reminding God how faithful He had been in the past. Only then does Jehoshaphat request that God stop the army headed their way. Jehoshaphat says “We do not know what to do, but we look to you for help.”
Jehoshaphat humbled himself and went, with his people, before God to seek direction. I love that God met them and told them exactly what to do. God said “…the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Perhaps God made the battle His own because his precious son, Jehoshaphat, sought Him first?
God instructed them to go out to meet the opposing army and then to be still and watch the Lord’s victory. God gave them a Word that breathed life into them. It gave them hope and peace. He called them to be strong and courageous. How often do we rush into battle without a word from God?
Then the people went out signing praises about a faithful God while still waiting to see how He would prove Himself faithful.
While they were praising, God caused their enemies to turn on each other and kill one another. When the people arrived at the battlefield they saw slain bodies for as far as their eyes could see. Their enemy lay before them defeated. God won the battle. He was the faithful God they sang about.
But it doesn’t end there…
Once all of the surrounding nations heard what their God had done they feared even messing with God’s people. So Jehoshaphat’s kingdom was at peace and God gave them rest on every side (2 Chronicles 20:30).
Sweet friend, this is what I pray for you: I pray that you would bow your knees when the battles are imminent. When you are alarmed go to Him right away. Let His praises be in your mouth and declare His works. I pray that you would hear from God His promises to fight for you when you stand firm and trust His faithfulness. I pray that you would go out singing and when you arrive where the battle is supposed to take place that you would stand back in awe of your enemy laying defeated at your feet. I pray that you will then know sweet peace and rest on all sides. May you lay your head in your Father’s lap as He lavishes His love on you and may you truly know what it is to rest, dear warrior.
We fight so many battles in life and too many times in our own strength and with our own weapons. How quickly we forget that we have a God who is for us. He is on our side. He is a great big God who is more powerful than any other force and yet, He is gentle and loving and kind. He is near to you precious one. Follow His lead to victory
Read about Jehoshaphat and this battle in 2 Chronicles 20.
Wow! Kristin… you have no idea. I just wrote a post on this exact subject yesterday! God is speaking to us a strong message about relying on him in the battle. I am so encouraged by reading your post. Thank you!
Kari recently posted..How you Win the Battle Everytime.
Hi Kristen,
I am really enjoying your blog. I just wanted to point out that you said this story was in 2 Chronicles 2. I think you meant 2 Chronicles 20. Keep posting please. I really enjoy the encouragement.
Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for catching that and pointing it out! So glad you find my blog encouraging! That is always my hope. Blessings, Kristin
Oh, Kristen, I love this story too. So thankful for friends like you who see the beautiful in the deep and remind me it is there when I have lost sight of it! I pray the Lord will quicken his word through your post.
Carol Anne recently posted..Nights Like These – A Parent’s Lament
Thank you Carol Anne!